This is an ideal software for practicing astrologers . Also this software has a lot of features for those practising the Krishnamurty Padhati (K.P) system of Astrology.
It has more than 70 types of reports The important feature added in this software is that it can print any report using any printer resolution which makes it print on any given size of paper. The main advantage of this software over kundli-2009 is that it can print reports in booklet fashion. Following are the additional reports printed on printer and viewed on screen, 5000 Years Panchang, Ashtotari & Vimshottari Antar and Prati-Antar Dasa, Sahams, Yoga Combinations, Concise Page, Transit (Gochar), Fav.-Unfav. aspects for Planets/Cusps, Apart from the above features the software is also worth buying because of the following few important features that it has : Prashna Kundli : Generates Planetary Longitude and Ascendant Chart along with Vimshottari Ruling Dasa based on the prashna ( query ) asked by the client. Also it has a very powerfull birth rectification program. It also features K.P planetary transists module in addition to above it also features.
Comments (4)
I am a senior citizen just because of God gift I do predict much personal info even that comes 99% accurate.
This software I know from my dearest friend.